Pain you arent so plain

Pain, what a silly w0rd
F0r a feeling that ain't s0 faint
Y0u are just f0ur letters l0ng
Yet y0u have chained us all
And slain even the mightiest 0f men

Pain 0h mighty pain
Y0u  ain't s0 plain
Y0u leave 0ur hearts in blain
As a st0rm wages inside us
y0u  reign 0ur hearts and s0uls 
and n0thing y0u d0 g0es in vain

Y0u aint a villan
Th0ugh y0u can be a bane
In reality y0u are a b00n
a knight in disguise
As y0u drain 0ur brains
0ff all the g00ns
And  m0rbid truths
Y0u clear 0ur thoughts
F0r a beginning all new

Yet pain is such lame w0rd
F0r an em0ti0n n0t s0 feign
That cranes us h0me
int0 the right lane

By Prabalta Rijal


  1. Wow! This is sooo thoughtful. Pain a four letter word but leaves our heart in blain.


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