My pot of Jelly
Oh my belly,looks like jelly
All squishy and squashy
A pot of blubber
It wobbles and it wabbles
And dances to its tunes
Oh my belly, looks like jelly
It wobbles along as I rush on
trying ever so hard to hide it
embarrassed by the sight of it
I wonder how it grew so big
Was it the crisp, or the waffles
or did the cakes do their tricks or was it
the creamy shakes ???
Can’t pull my pants up and nothing fits right
its tight alright doesn’t go with my jeans
nor the Tees and even my snickers look
Oh, my belly a pot of jelly
All squishy and squashy
Its flabby alright,but hey its me
Oh belly, my potta jelly
I don’t like it
I dont even want it
But its all me
yet not me at all
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