Its silence that I need

I smile not because I want to
But because you want me to
I talk because I have to
Not because I wish to
Silence is all I want

It's the noise I hate
The filthy loud noise
And allegations all fake

I'm no criminal
Nor I a fraud
I have worked
for my share
And toiled for it all

Yet strangers fling
Words that sting
At a heart so frail
And nothings left
As only tears trail
along this lonely lane

A derailed lie
Churns feelings
Of hate at a place
Where love once prevailed

So, it's silence I seek
As hatred peaks
Accusations arise
I shan't speak
Its silence I seek

When words have failed
And castles of lies have fallen
And felons have been unveiled
Its silence that speaks
And it's all I need
When allegations tweak
And make this frail heart weep

By Prabalta Rijal


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