The silent breeze

There's silence in the winds
as the light breeze engulfs
the vaccum, around me
and dances to a tune
that lingers in my dreams

It's soft touch
leaves me wondering
as it playfully blows
my unruly curls away

The breeze
has never been so silent
yet it seems like its
story has been told
and a happy aura prevails
as it dances about

It;s the same breeze
that passes me each day
Yet, there's a difference
in the way, it surrounds me
like a child waiting
for a fairy tale to unfold

Its excitement is contagious
as it encircles around me
in sync to the tunes
playing in my head

Do you know something
I don't? Is all I ask it
yet the breeze keeps
mum, just passes
me by coaxing me
to follow suit

There's a playfulness
in its silence
and an airy approach

There's a smile
that lingers
as words surpass

The silence is mutual
and a thought is provoked
yet the silence remains
as the breeze
passes me by
pausing no more

By Prabalta Rijal


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